Friday, May 21, 2010

Book Clubs

In my life, I've been in a number of book clubs. I've always enjoyed them because I love to talk about books. I don't think I've ever been in a book club meeting with the author of the book, however. But since In an Uncharted Country came out last September, I've met with several book clubs. The experiences have all been quite different, but all wonderful.

Yesterday afternoon I was invited to meet with a local club of retired James Madison University faculty members at the home of new friends Rex and Jane. It was a big group--11 people--and for the first time a mix of men and women. (Both of the previous clubs I visited were all women.) I enjoy talking about the book and my process, so I love answering the many questions people have about the stories. Sometimes, in answering the questions, I reach insights that I hadn't had before. (This happened yesterday, concerning the story "White Swans".)

If any book clubs are interested in having me appear, I'd love to do it. I'd even travel a bit or, if it's too far, I could appear by Skype. Seriously.

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