Thursday, December 17, 2009

VCCA Report, Day 7

Today is, um, Thursday. It's hard to tell sometimes, but I know because I had to run home today to give my "final exam" at the college where I teach, and tonight I've been fiddling with grades.

But earlier today I got some work done on the book, although I won't finish this draft during the residency as I'd originally hoped. That's okay. New target is Christmas, and then I'll work on revisions after that.

Aside from a lovely drive over the mountain on a beautiful day, the highlight was the presentations after dinner. First up was composer Matthew Barnson who played a CD of two pieces--a string quartet and part of a longer work for percussion that just premiered in Chicago this week. I especially liked the percussion piece which also uses space in an intriguing way. And then we saw two short films by David Licata. The first was "8 1/2 x 11" which is about a guy interviewing for jobs and the second, "Tango Octogenario" is about an elderly couple dancing the tango.

Two treats right after dinner!


DL said...

Thanks for the shout out, Cliff.

DL said...

Thanks for the shout out, Cliff.

Marianne said...

Oh my gosh, I'm jealous that you can get ANY kind of writing done in December. Smart to pick that month for a residency!