In keeping with the rules, I am pleased to carry on the tradition and grant the award to these fine establishments:
Charlottesville Words, owned and operated by Elizabeth, who seems to have a finger on the literary pulse of central Virginia and beyond.
Storyglossia, the blog companion to Steven McDermott's online magazine, Storyglossia. Here you'll find insightful commentary on short fiction.
Sarah Browning, by, oddly enough, Sarah Browning. Sarah is one of the driving forces behind D.C. Poets Against the War, and her blog is great resource.
They Shoot Poets, Don't They, Nick Bruno's blog about poetry and music and other stuff.
Poetry Hut Blog by Jilly Dybka. Is there anyplace else to go for Poetry news? I thought not.
And to the new winners, bear in mind that by accepting this award, you agree to the following:
Acknowledge the origin of the meme/award
If you are tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
Optional: Display the “Thinking Blogger Award” with a link to the post that you wrote using either the gold or silver versions of the award.)
Update: It seems I overlooked the fact that I was supposed to include a link to the origin of the awards, and that my awardees are supposed to do the same. So here it is: http://www.thethinkingblog.com/2007/02/thinking-blogger-awards_11.html
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Clifford.
Wow! Thanks!
How cool is this?? Thank you! I'll take up the challenge in the next day or two. Rock on, Cliff!
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