Friday, August 11, 2006

The Emperor's Children

The September 2006 issue of The Atlantic Monthly includes a brief review (in “New Fiction”) by Elizabeth Judd of Claire Messud’s new novel (due out at the end of August), The Emperor’s Children. The review is mostly positive, in a snide kind of way, but includes an irrelevant mention that Messud is married to the critic James Wood. I’d recommend ignoring the review and making up your own mind. I've heard Messud read from the novel on three occasions now and I can't wait to read the book.

1 comment:

Jim said...

"Snide" to say the least, Cliff! And identifying Messud, the author, as the wife of critic James Wood says nothing about the book. Like you, I've heard Claire read from The Emperor's Children. I found it mesmerizing, and plan to buy the book when it comes out.