Monday, June 19, 2006


The Summer 2006 issue of R-KV-R-Y, A Quarterly Literary Magazine, is now live and includes some wonderful work by Mary Akers, Linera Lucas, Beebe Barksdale-Bruner, Joy Hagy, Tracy Crow and others. Oh, and, um, me. (The issue includes my story "The Clattering of Bones," which originally appeared in Timber Creek Review.)


Nick said...

Congrats, Cliff!

Mary Akers said...

Thank you, Cliff! I'm so pleased with their presentation, too.

Anonymous said...

Kudos on your review.

This is Matthew Laird, by the way -the intern who got the oppurtunity to meet you last week at the IR.

You've got a new reader, and thanks for the link!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by, Matthew; and it was nice to meet you last week. Sorry if I kept you from your work!

Linera Lucas said...

Nice to be in such good company!