The Virginia Festival of the Book begins in three weeks (it runs March 22-26). I just browsed through the program listing for the first day and already I have to take a break before I can a) decide which offerings I'll attend that day or b) look at the schedule for the subsequent days. Just a few of the folks I'd like to see: Barabara Kingsolver, Jane Hirshfield, John Hope Franklin, Livingston Taylor, Amy Goodman, Hendrik Hertzberg, Ron Rash, Edward Schwarzschild (reading from the book I reviewed for Shenandoah), and many, many others. If you're planning to come to the Festival, be sure and let me know!
Wow. Sounds great. Will you be blogging it? I hope so.
I shall blog it!
I'm not only coming, I'll be appearing on two panels, Friday and Saturday!
Cliff, I'm going to hate not being there! Stop by and say hello to Gwynn Hyman Rubio for me. We were neighbors for awhile, and she's a good friend. And listen to Ron Rash read if you get a chance. I'd give anything for his voice and delivery. Oh, it sounds like such a great time!
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